

novoshore technology blog

We encourage all our staff to share their technical knowledge through our blogs. Please, keep in mind that the opinion in our blog are from our staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinion/policy of novoshore.

2108, 2018

A new mobile interface for sCRM Client Portal

By |August 21st, 2018|Categories: APEX, blog, Oracle|0 Comments

After migrating our servers to ā'pěks 18.1, we kept our normal development cycle. We apply Scrum to all our projects, allowing us to perform an Agile development strategy. We always keep adding some new features from [...]

1906, 2018

Novoshore’s chatbot at J on the Beach ’18 Conference

By |June 19th, 2018|Categories: blog, Oracle|0 Comments

During the latest edition of JontheBeach '18 conference, Adrian and Juan took part in Chatbots Hackathon driven by Oracle. The idea of this hackathon was getting familiarized with the Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise platform. In [...]

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